Managing Social Media Usage at Weddings
It’s important to be in tune with what the couple values and wants, and how that meshes with your style of wedding photography.
Some couples use social media to share their wedding details, using hashtags and other methods. Other couples prefer a private affair.
This can have a positive or negative impact on our work as wedding photographers.
By preparing ourselves for different outcomes and thinking ahead, we can better direct the impact of social media on weddings.
Since I have been a wedding photographer, I’ve noticed that social media is becoming more prevalent at weddings. However, I’ve also seen it decline, as many couples opt for a more intimate and private wedding day.
As with everything related to weddings, rules and traditions are changing as couples embrace or reject trends based on their values, style and priorities.
This article will explore the pros and cons of social media for weddings. I’ll also discuss how to either embrace or reject social media.
After examining the benefits and challenges, I will share with you some tips that wedding photographers can use to navigate this trend.